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Stem cell hair transplant: A new solution to an age old problem

1 December, 2016

Any form of hair loss is a cause for concern; but when it comes to losing hair from the front of the head, then yes, for many people it is veritable nightmare. Not just for men but also for the legions of women out there who are slowly going bald and have no idea what to do. In fact, the grief of seeing your hairline recede every day may lead to increased anxiety and indeed for many people, it is often a common cause of both low self esteem as well as decreased self confidence.

It has been said that an estimated 75% of men worldwide, would be sure to undergo the markedly unpleasant experience of losing frontal hair to some degree by the time they hit their mid thirties. Women are slightly better off, but not all that much since around 40% or so of all women are also afflicted with the same problem.

How to cope

Since ages past people had few options of dealing with this issue, and had to either bear this permanent loss with patience or seek resort to many remedies such as wigs, hairpieces, toupees that may or may not be able to solve the problem. Many others tried vitamins and tonics in the vain belief that somehow they will not only halt hair loss but out rightly reverse it as well.

Some look to the emerging hair transplant technology which when they first appeared were ultra long and very painful procedures that came bundled with a host of side effects ranging from infections to the follicles falling out to excruciating headaches. Not to mention the long delay between treatment and actual results.

However today, thanks to cutting edge technological innovations, the scenario has quite remarkably changed for the better. This is because of the rise of a radical new technology known as ‘stem cell hair transplant.’

Ever since this treatment came to the fore, an increasing number of medical experts in the field of hair re-growth have commenced using it to not only treat hair loss but also help slow down and eventually stabilize hair dropping problems in the long term. Many doctors today often refer to stem cells as ‘mother cells.’ This is because such cells have the remarkable ability to effectively divide and produce any type of cell throughout the body.

Stem cell treatment

Our hair grows out of follicles, which stop working for a variety of reasons, as we grow older. This is where our stem cells come in. In fact, they are used to actively stimulate hair cells into growing hair again; new working follicles mean fresh hair all over again.

No adverse effects of this treatment.

Unlike other types of hair transplant treatments, there are no adverse and harmful effects of this treatment both in the short as well as long run.

It is a permanent treatment and the therapy once completed ensures that you would not lose your hair ever again in your life.

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