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Why Direct Hair Implantation FUE?

Why Choose IK Clinics?

Dr Khan is the first surgeon to introduce this implantation technique in the UK in 2008. This hair implantation technique during the FUE transplantation has now come to known as “Direct Hair Implantation” or DHI.

This results in less injury to skin and minimal bleeding with less chance of the skin scarring.

The second benefit of Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is that it reduces risk of crush injury to hair follicle, which means that the number of successful follicles being transplanted increases.

Why Stem Cells?

Ageing, illness, and medicines, there are a number of factors that may result in a receding hairline, making you feel self-conscious and look older than your age. Until recently, typical hair replacement surgeries were the only way to manage hair loss. The process requires physicians to take hair follicles from one part of your head or body and transplant them onto the thinning area, causing you great inconvenience and pain. IK Clinic provides you a pain-free, natural way to stimulate hair growth, regain your thick, luscious hair, and rebuild your self-confidence and look younger. The revolutionary Stem Cell Hair Transplant makes use of your own healthy cells to stimulate natural hair growth without any pain and discomfort. While there are a number of benefits of this technique, patients who have undergone a stem cell hair transplant at IK Clinic report the following three to be the main reason for choosing it over a conventional hair transplant.
  • NO UNSIGHTLY SCARS — With a stem cell hair transplant, you don’t have to hide those unsightly signs of a hair transplant as the process does not require stitches.
  • GET BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY — It’s a quick process which is usually completed in a couple of hours, after which you can easily get back to your work and carry on with your day to day activities.
  • RESTORE YOUR YOUTHFUL LOOK — Get rid of a receding hairline with a stem cell hair transplant and regain your thick, luscious hair that are sure to attract attention and appreciation.
So, if you want to get rid of the hassle of painstakingly arranging your thinning hair for maximum coverage and secure and shine them with a dab of conditioner every morning, schedule an appointment with one of our hair transplant experts today and get complete details of how a stem cell hair transplant works.


  • So, if you want to get rid of the hassle of painstakingly arranging your thinning hair for maximum coverage and secure and shine them with a dab of conditioner every morning, schedule an appointment with one of our hair transplant experts today and get complete details of how a stem cell hair transplant works.


  • With DHI a patient can get much denser plantation of hair follicles.
  • Using the ‘Choi’ implanter pen prevents harm to natural hair strands and reduces shock loss.
  • There is no need for skin incisions / cuts.
  • Less skin trauma, hence less bleeding and hence no scarring occurs.
  • Recovery period is much shorter.
  • Each hair follicle is placed more passively in a skin cavity, appropriate to its own size.
  • The surgeon can control the depth and angle of implantation each hair follicle.
  • Final result looks more natural.
  • Hair transplant is possible without need for a haircut.

The most suitable candidates for DHI FUE:

The Most suitable candidates for this procedure are people who are medically fit to undergo a surgical procedure and are hoping to achieve any of the following:

  • Person already suffering from hair loss.
  • Person wanting to improve on natural hairline.
  • Person wanting to improve on a previous hair transplant.
  • Beard, moustache or eye brow transplant
  • A person who would prefer not to have a haircut before hair transplant
  • Will like to achieve dense results from their hair transplant.
IK Clinics IMG_0700 Why DHI FUE Hair Transplant?

Densely Packed Follicles with DHI FUE

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